
Aug 3, 2009


I'm a man that makes his own rules! I needed out! A break! A sabbatical! A 163-hour siesta...and I took it. I've been on the blogging lamb, but I'm back on the wagon and ready to purge thoughts all over your eyes.

I've learned a lot about myself over the past some days (10? I'm to lazy to do the math.) I've learned two days rafting under a fierce Sacramento sun turns my skin into what can only be referred to as "clown nose" red. I'm a lobster. A lobster dipped in aloe. A lobster dipped in aloe typing away on a keyboard. Don't feel bad for me though. I can finally cross off "deal with skin cancer" from Bucket List.

Maybe it's the heat stroke talking or all the vitamin D flooding my system, but I'm changing things up on Mi Thoughts. What's changing? Well, first thing is bullet points! A trivial addition? I think not!

Bullet pointing will allow me to digitally insinuate, "yo yo fool! I done indented this thought, and I done put a dot in front of it! So, you know it's a grand and valuable addition to this blog. Digest it!" My insinuations are a grammatical mess, but rest assured, every bullet point is worth savoring.

  • Each one.

So, utilizing these bullets, here's a couple of Mi Thoughts tweaks

  • I'm doing more video (learn to tolerate it.)
  • I'm going to mix in longer posts (learn to tolerate it)
  • Titles are going to reflect content (LTTI)

Of course, all these could change on a whim. Whims come and go! I'm susceptible to whims! Who isn't! Of course, if you can't LTTI, you can always hop over to the 2.3 billion other blogs jamming the netosphere with thoughts. Of course, here you'll find someone trying to make you laugh. Of course, I won't always suceed. Of course.

I'm Out!

P.S. I'm no doctor, but if you're still focused on reading this post it's safe to assume you don't suffer from ADD, ADHD, or HDMI.


Andrea said...

NOOOOOO not the bullet points!?!!!!!!!!

Mi Thoughts said...

I'm growing up Alpha. And, growing up means you bullet point the important observations in life.

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