As a substitute teacher, you quickly learn the quality of the school is proportional to the number of referral slips provided by the teacher for which you're replacing. Now, should I be concerned that Mesa Verde provides five referrals slips? know.... just in case I need 'em. Hell, yes! Sound the warning, and arm yourself, you're in for a challenging - some might say frightful - experience.
Indeed, today was a struggle. I had a kid surfacing the internet who refused to return to her seat. She ignored my requests, and when I turned off her computer she called me "hella stupid." It's not that an idiots comment offended me, but if I didn't reprimand her, keeping order in the class would be near impossible; the kids always are hungry to torture a weak substitute.
Fortunately, by the time this little event took place many of the kids thought I was "cool," and they turned on the challenging girl rather then me. Thank god! If you can ever get admission into that elite group, "cool substitutes," my hat's off to you; reaching that status within an hour can be a challenge, but helpful if attained.
Anyways, I don't know what my point was here.... I just wanted to pass some time in class with some of today's reflections. And, I've accomplished that goal, so I'm off. Good day!
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