
May 9, 2009

Giant Salamander

So, if you're interested in Race for the Cure, don't arrive at 10am. It appears they stop registering people. Their loss! I was all ready to offer up a 5K mosey. Thankfully, had already donated money, so at least I walk away with a spiffy shirt. A shirt that gives the impression I offered up 3.1 miles of sweating for breast cancer. Well, to the BBQ!

(Their loss, but my toes gain.)


Sarah said...

Bummer. Sorry you missed out on the walking. (I'm sure your toes thank you.)
I walked around Downtown with Network of Strength today. Had a blast, got a bunch of free goodies, raised funds for a worthy cause, and all for the low-low price of aching footsies. (Ouch.)

Mi Thoughts said...

Yah. It's to bad I missed out on the walk, but there was no way I would have gotten up at 7am and been pleasant. I did everyone a favor and slept. I've never heard of Network of Strength. What do they raise money for?

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