
May 3, 2009

Grizzley Bear

I finally saw Point Break. I'm one step closer to normal. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go watch Ghostbusters, Say Anything, Boyz N the Hood, Pretty Woman, Groundhod Day, The Abyss, Annie Hall, The Shawshank Redemption, Schlinder's List, The Shining, Scarface, and Fargo or my friends are going to shake their heads in shame... again.

(and those are the ones I can think of. I'm sure there are dozens more on my I'm Embarrassed I Haven't Seen That list)


cd said...

You can skip The Shining. It sucks. You know all the parts you need to know already, most likely. All work and no play, etc etc. It's 3hrs of your life you'll never get back. Fargo is good. Pretty Woman is on every weekend on TNT or TBS or whatever. Shawshank is good - also, by UN law, must be playing on a cable channel somewhere on the globe at all times. The Abyss is good ONLY and I mean ONNNLLLY if you watch the regular edit and NOT the director's cut. Seriously. Michael Cameron left to his own devices is not good at all. Promise me that you'll not watch the director's cut. I care for your brain too much to leet you do that.

Mi Thoughts said...

The Shining sucks? I'm not sure if I can believe you, you hated Unforgiven. As for Cameron, have you seen the director's cut of Aliens? It's actually pretty good, and explains why Newt and Ripley are so attached.

I'll take your word on Abyss though. I'll actually give both versions the once over.

I'm surprised they've never trotted out a director's cut of Titanic. They must have to have hours of unused footage. Maybe, they burned the celluloid for the silver.

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