
Dec 1, 2008


I enjoy my Sunday mornings at church, it's my time for direction and reflection. I, however, despise the "meet and greet" portion of the service. It's a painful few minutes of introducing myself to people and vice versa. I never remember names, and don't want to, because I am there for a divine message, and not looking to grow my social circle. Anyways, during these forced social situations I bury my head in the newsletter, hoping people people will move past. It's my anti-social cloaking device. It's awkward, and I'm sure God's ashamed. Below, you'll find a dramatic recreation.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully the divine message you're there for isn't love thy neighbor.

God, do you think I could just admire them from afar? Thanks, Paul

Mi Thoughts said...

I just hate forced "hellos," it's just so insincere. If I'm saying "hi" to someone I want it on my terms!

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