
Nov 25, 2008


Last Friday night I produced an improv show called Faulkner, fittingly inspired by stream of consciousness writing, often used by William Faulkner. I was (still am) tired of improv that seems focused on a plot and game. The getting there has seemed to become the goal. Blah!

I want to create a series of, seemingly, unrelated scenes. I want to challenge an audience; they must make connections (if any) amongst scenes. I want to start a show at a dead sprint and dare the audience catch up. I want to work with people who listen, care, and support everything I do, because I will do the same for them. And, my teammates can't ever apologize for what they add to a scene.

I felt channeling our consciousness on stage would be the ideal way to reach these goals, and Faulkner was born. Friday night I formed a team of EJ, Jason and myself, reviewed my goals, and then performed hours later. It was phenomenal! People really loved both our performances Friday and Saturday.

It was so rewarding to succeed at something you so passionately believe in. EJ and Jason made me better in the show, and I made them better. The feeling of support was indescribable, it made me want to help them. It was a great moment in improv for me.

I hope everyone feels that unwavering support from someone in life. It's worth writing about.


angelap said...

i have a tear in my eye (my left eye,to be exact), what a textbook example of "making your partner look good".

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