I'm taking a class at BATS (Bay Area Theater Sports) Saturday mornings, 11 am - 2pm. Do I live in Frisco? No. I live in Sacramento, and therefore drive 4 hours each Saturday to attend a 3-hour class. Insane, right? Well, yah, you actually are. I was hoping all the naysayers would be wrong and I'd get some rich rewards from the trek, but no, it's not all that enlightening. The teacher isn't challenging us. I sense BATS knows their niche in Frisco is to provide a safe, feel good haven for all the, "I want to try my hand at improvising but fear criticism" types. So, I gag! I spend my hours gagging on the teachers sugary comments, like "good try," "keep the scene happy." Ahhhhhhh!!!!
But wait, what's that? Did my teacher challenge me this past Saturday? Yes, she did. She insisted I play a low status character. I thought I could easily tap into a low status character.
No problem!
Actually, lots of problems. And, it was the best thing that could have happened.
I have always believed I knew what makes a low status character. I believed I could shift between high and low status within seconds. Well, I was half right. My teacher informed me I am, for the most part, high status in life, so check that off on my to-do list. Knowing what makes a low status character, however, is now on my need-to-do list. I COULD'NT DO IT! I sat there for a couple minutes, incapable of going as low as Deary, my teacher, wanted. So, thanks Deary, I do, sincerely, appreciate your challenge.
Here are the verbal/physical characteristics of a low status individual (if you know more, please send them to me):
Shifting body
Looking down
Darting looks (connote nervousness)
Picking clothes/skin
Rubbing hands
Nervous laughter
Biting lower lip
Move Out of People's Way
Looking at other people's eyes when you say something,to check their response.
Need permission before you can act
Don't make decisions for yourself or group
Yell at people, as a way to intimidate them. Shows you can't fight but try to be high status
Hedging your words.Trailing off. "well....um....you know....if...maybe..."
Looking up to other person
Being uncomfortable in order to give the other person space.
Change who you are for the benifit of the other person.
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