
May 16, 2006

Respect for TD

Yesterday in Improv we studied characters, and creating characters...and I don't think there's anything harder. Angela, a student with me, commented, "this is the first time we've worked in this class," and I agree. It's not that difficult to find a character trait, there are literally thousands, but to sell it to the audience, that's a bit daunting. Specially in Improv you've got seconds to develop a character and then bam! you're on stage.

I have a new found respect for you TD.

So, today I went to Starbucks and just watched people for about an hour (and I drank some green iced tea which was just god awful. There were moments when I felt I was going to puke. I don't know how anyone drinks that stuff, it's vile. And I'm not kidding. It's truly a terrible, terrible, terrible creation. So, why did I drink it? Because it was $1.70 and I wasn't about to pay $3.50 on a coffee. Yes, my thriftiness trumps my disgust for dirty water (iced tea)).

Anyways, I made sketched facial quirks, posture, anything I could that I might later use. Just watching is very relaxing. Maybe in the next few days I'll scan my drawing and post 'em here. They're hilariously bad, so bad you may like them.


Anonymous said...

My roommate you used to go to Starbucks and get one shot of espresso and an iced water and mix it. It was really disugsting, but she thought it brilliant because she was saving about three dollars.

I noticed you didn't say anything after my last comment, but if you don't say anything about this one, I will conceretely get the hint.

Anonymous said...

I apologize, I wasn't trying to give any sort o' hint.'re my twin? We're both Cullum queer eye teachers. Sweet!

Where are you from?

Anonymous said...

I'm from the Sacramento area, originally, then went to college in Santa Barbara. I've felt lost upon my return to the area, so I'm just overworking myself so I don't notice that I have no comrades. What's your story?

Anonymous said...

I've lived in Sac all my life. Graduated from UC Davis a couple years ago and have been teaching...trying to figure out if it's what I want to do. Of course...I'd like to think there are other interesting aspects to my life. Do you have an email? If you'd prefer emailing me, I have an email in my profile.

Anonymous said...

I've found the perfect thing to order at Starbucks: Doppio over ice. It's two shots of espresso over ice. When you get it, the cup is about three quarters full, so you take it over and fill the rest with milk, or whatever dairy mixer you prefer, and put a little sugar in it. What you end up with is a very delicious esspresso beverage that only set you back $1.65. As you would say, Oh, Snap!

Anonymous said...

That is pure genius. It does, indeed, deserve a, "oh snap!" What are you doing for the rest of the week? I was thinking about having a bbq Thurs. night.

Anonymous said...

Alas, I am currently a slave to a (not so) delightful class we refer to as Language and Literacy (otherwise known as spend every Saturday from 8-4 with a crabby, boring woman who assigns useless, impractical busy work.) I am currently working on aforementioned busy work (can't you tell how hard I'm working seeing as I'm posting in your blog) in the form of a 30 page unit plan which is due at my next 8 a.m. hell (I mean class). However, after this week I will be finished and quite eager to participate in any social functions.

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