
May 17, 2006

Cookies and Christ

I went to church Sunday (gasp!) with some friends, and my job was to pass out cookies. I wasn't so much interested in cookies or sermon as spending some time with Joy before she heads to Ghana (yes, Ghana. The home of...I don't know. Does anyone know what Ghana's known for?).

Anyways... church. It was immense, crowded, and... welcoming. I may sound like a heretic here, but I think the church's real accomplishment is fueling a sense of community in such a lonely culture. And, yes, of course the church preaches excellent principles by which to live life, but, in my opinion, their success comes from nurturing the sense every parishioner belongs. Organized religion will always flourish for the same reason organized sports holds our attention; it's comforting to feel a part of something.

Oh...and I'd like to add that I'm an excellent cookie hustler. I peddled my plate o' cookies in no time. Jesus was proud.


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