Thanks to, we know King Kong would hypothetically weigh anywhere from 20 to 60 tons. While that’s a huge range, one thing is certain, Kong has more meat on the bone then Naomi Watts.
Obvious? Yes! At least, it was obvious until I saw Peter Jackson’s centerpiece on Skull Island: hungry T-Rexs eager to nosh on the terrified Watts. Naomi is a dainty little thing, a feathery 110 pounds, max! I wouldn’t be satisfied eating her (must…keep….it…PG), if I were a T-Rex. If necessary, I’d settle for the waif, but if I were a carnivore looking for the biggest kill? Ummm, methinks Kong would provide months of good eatin’.
While numerous movies portray human hungry beasts, King Kong is the most illogical. Is beautiful flesh superior to ape? I doubt dinos distinguish; meat is meat, and the more the better. Yes, Rex and his buddies tangle with Kong, but their goal is a stringy human, Kong’s just a hurdle. It just doesn’t make sense. But, then again, should I tolerate fictional desires in a fictional movie?
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