
Mar 28, 2006

Life Changin Links: Scrubs

Scrubs is treated like a bastard child on network peacock, and that's a tragedy. If you're a bastard child who's loved...great...way to convince your parents you're worth their time...but I'm not referring to you. Picture a beaten child, marked by welts and purple bruises. That's the Scrubs I know. For years, when NBC promoted the abysmal Will and Grace (and if you think that shows good, you outta get some welts. I'll provide the bat.), Bill Lawrence and the writer's over at the Scrubs lot crafted dozens of brilliant episodes. But, did NBC care? Was Team Lawrence rewarded? The Scrubs time slot has been endlessly shuffled, frustrating loyal viewers and all but ending any hope of growing the fan base.

And, Scrubs deserves a wider audience, because the quality of every episode is second to none (respect my right to drop in a cliche here and there....and there). The jokes don't reek of sitcomy stale set-ups. The characters make genuine assertions, connections, and references; comments true to character are doubly funny because the joke isn't the goal, but the product of honesty. Scrubs doesn't yank you from joke to joke, but weaves the comedy within drama. A perfect ying yang balance of comedy and drama, and neither tip the scales.

If you have Netflix, Seasons 1-3 are available on DVD, and watching the episodes without NBC time slot shuffling or commercials is a godsend. Give the show a chance, after a couple episodes you'll be hooked.

You didn't hear it from me, but on eBay you can purchase Seasons 1-4 from a Chinese seller for about 70 bucks, and that includes shipping. I'm not sure how legal the DVD's are...I have my suspicions...but for the price, half the cost of seasons 1-3, it's worth considering.


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