
Oct 24, 2006

Quick Update (it turned into a long update)

MY GOD! Life is great. So much has happened since August...and most of it good.

The one thing that's the most significant for me is dropping 50 pounds. I am down to 250, and all it took was calorie counting and frequenting the gym. I don't vary my routine much there: biking. Lots and lots of biking. I'm now averaging about 45-60 minutes rides on the stationary. The greatest moment working out is when you feel as if you're sweating from your eyes. Have you ever reached that point? Push yourself that hard sometime, it's Nirvana. It's wonderful exhaustion.

Oh...and...since I have a moment...let me sing the praises of a couple foods that are insanely delicious and low calories. Dried Mangoes from Wal-Mart and Soy Chai Tea from Whole Foods. Blessed are those who know of these gems. The Mangoes are like candy, and the Soy Chai so smooth, and rich and 160 calories a serving (it sounds like a lot, I know. But, the drink is a meal in a bottle.). You'll love 'em.

What else has changed? Hmmmm. Oh yes, IMPROV!! The most grateful discovery of my life. This will sound like some after school special, but I was wandering before improv. I didn't know what I wanted, I didn't know if I was happy. I was the definitive "blah" person. Now, though? I'm just happy, and it's nearly all due to improv. I'm part of a group, 5 Second Rule, and we put on shows locally, and that's a blast. I write now...without worry. I used to wring my hands over writing; would it be good enough? Now, I go for drives and dozens of ideas pop into my head, I jot all them down. I have tons of sketches ideas, many I haven't yet written out. It's really rewarding seeing a sketch come together on stage with friends. They're a great group to work with. I'm lucky to have found them.

Also, having really devoted myself to improv, I've been given new responsibilities. I'm now in charge of Wednesday night Improv Jams. It's a chance for me to experiment as a presenter and play around with new games. I really love introducing people to new things. My only difficulty is avoiding the side coaching. I become good at biting my tongue.

AND, Brian also put me in charge of hosting the Improv shows at the Capitol Garage on Wed. nights from 9pm to 1am. Those are long hours, yes, but I can't think of a better way to spend them. If you live in Sacramento, and have a free Wed. night...come out. It's an all improv show, and should be great fun because we get to play around with new games and'll be a great time. Oh...and it's only 5 bucks too.

What else is going on? Hmmm. I'm dating again...which is nice. Great person... like her a lot.

Oh! Work! Many of you have asked what am I doing. I told many of you after the water I'm off to work for my dad. Well. Ha! Who would have guessed but I've decided not to do that. I had a long discussion with him explaining that I admire the hell out of what he does...but I'm just not interested in it at the moment. My focus at the moment is improv and sketch. I am just throwing everything I have at those things, and seeing what happens. If I were to work for him I'd be burnt out at the end of the day. So....bum bum bum....I'm subbing again. It's going well. The days are easy, allowing me to write sketches or work on my improv. I'm done with a few hours to preparation before the night’s improv and pitch sessions. It's a great arrangement.

Well, I've written quite a bit, so I'm off. I need to jot down some sketch ideas before the day is out.


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