
Aug 4, 2006

Don't But PRTL

PRTL is the symbol for Primus on the NASDAQ. Or, it was the symbol until it was de-listed. Oh, and it was de-listed because the share price sunk below $1.00. Primus couldn't manage to trade above one measly little dollar.'s the good news...I finally sold that lame stock. I've been fretting over this buy for months, and I finally had the guts to just unload it. Why did I fret? Because I was losing my ass with this purchase made on a whim. "Primus can't sink lower," I told myself. "It's due for an upswing!" Well, it didn't swing up, and it didn't hover at where I snagged it. Instead, it spiraled down, down ad down. I prayed it would go up, I would recoup the loses. I didn't want huge returns, breaking even would suffice. Long story short, I didn't recoup anything...I, in fact, ended up losing just north of $3600 dollars. I sold 1900 shares of primus for about 650 bucks. Yah, it stings.


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