Many a people love an online personality test. Hell, even I succumb to the allure of discovering what doughnut best represents my personality (for the record, cream filled). Out of the hundreds of tests, have you ever come across results that were negative? Ever found a quiz that computed that you're a loser? MySpace is a haven for personality test posters, and I have yet to find one concluding, "you suck," or, "retreat, disappear, you're slowing societal progress." The tests yield such photoshopped images of who we are, who wouldn't enjoy a test? Focus on the attractive traits and blot out the ugly.
I'm not sure where I'm spinning this rant. I've seemed to become sidetracked, when all I wanted to ask was, why do people post the results of these tests on their pages? Is a quiz today's resume for the MySpacer? Before throwing someone a "friends invite," do you pour over their quizzes, looking for just the right "sex in the city character/sitcom/type of dog/Harry Potter character," they resemble, mix? If they're not a, "Charlotte/Sienfeld/Dachshund/Hermoine Granger" blend do you nix 'em from that coveted spot on the friends list? I know ripping on quizzes online is like urinating on the Bible in church, but what are you learning from them? They dress you up in prefection.
I don't blame you for wanting positive reinforcement. No one gets enough (hows that for a radical shift in the final couple sentances?).
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