The two types of courses I hate substituting for are P.E.- I'll explain my reasons at a later date- and computers. A resourceful student can roam most anywhere on the net, or sneak in a solitaire game when you're trying to teach, their focus is not on the lesson, and that can be frustrating. Ahhhh...but relief is here, and we call it "Vision." Vision is a little Big Brother, but I don't mind, it helps me keep order. Vision is the equivalent of thirty TA's peaking over each students shoulder and reporting to the teacher on student wanderings in class. Installing Vision allows me to remotely monitor and control and students computer thru my computer. I see what they see, delete what I need to, and steer them back to the assignment.
Controlling a person’s computer is fantastic; I can see why so many people enjoy hacking. You become the ghost in the (computer) shell, deleting near perfect games of solitaire, and writing students messages like, "I hate sending people to the office...but right now I'm very tempted." Ha! What a rush. The kids are so irritated, I've broken up their little diversions, and I can't help but smile.
FYI: I just told a kid over remote control to "shut up and get back to work," within his Microsoft word document.
It's fun playing God.
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